Enjoy the holiday season without losing momentum

December 19, 2024
Enjoy the holiday season without losing momentum

Finally, the Holidays are here—a time for rest, recovery, and reconnecting with loved ones. But... for many, the season also brings stress, overindulgence, and the regret of letting healthy habits slide.

Every year at the gym, I see it: members returning in January feeling more exhausted, tired and disappointed in themselves for breaking their routines. It doesn’t have to be this way.

This year, let’s rewrite the script. You can enjoy the holidays and stay true to your health and fitness goals. It all starts with setting a few minimum standards for yourself.

Why the Holidays Often Leave Us Feeling Drained

Christmas is supposed to be rejuvenating, but the combination of disrupted routines, too many indulgences, and little to no exercise can leave you feeling worse instead of better.

Without a plan, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of parties, family dinners, and holiday chaos, losing sight of the habits that keep you feeling your best.

By the time January arrives, you’re not just starting from scratch—you might be climbing out of a hole.

The Solution: Set Minimum Standards

Here’s the good news: staying on track during the holidays doesn’t mean being perfect. It means creating simple, realistic goals to maintain your progress and energy.

1. Schedule Your Workouts

One of the best ways to stick with exercise is to plan it ahead of time. Look at your calendar for the holiday period and block out time for 2–3 workouts a week. Treat these sessions as unmissable appointments.

**Tip: First thing in the morning is your best bet these days (even if you normally workout in the afternoon).

It doesn't even have to be a full hour. A 20-30 minute at-home workout will do the trick and you can go about your busy day feeling like you already did something good for your physical and mental health.

**Hint: If you don't know what to do just send me an email and I will get back with 5 super effective at-home workouts

2. Keep Track of Key Habits

When it comes to eating well, pick a few habits to focus on. Maybe it’s:

Tracking just one or two simple goals can help you feel more in control and less guilty about enjoying the occasional holiday indulgence.

3. Prioritize Rest and Social Connections

The holidays are a time for recovery—not just physically, but emotionally and mentally too. Don’t underestimate the power of good sleep, relaxing downtime, and spending meaningful time with loved ones. You might only see some of these friends and family members once a year, make the most out of the quality time spent together.

The Benefits of Setting Minimum Standards

By committing to these small, achievable goals, you’ll:

Take Action: Your Holiday Challenge

This holiday season, take five minutes to set your personal minimum standards. Write them down, schedule your workouts, and plan how you’ll stay mindful of your eating and wellness habits.

You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel when the new year begins!

We’re open most days during the holidays (closed: 25th, 26th, Jan 1st) if you want to train and it suits your schedule. For members looking to make a plan or review their progress, book a goal review with your coach. For non members wanting to start now rather than waiting until January, just book a consultation with the button below.

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